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Are you ready to create the work you want to see in the world?

I thought you were! My 1-1 packages are for business owners like you, who are ready to fully step into their creative potential.

Maybe you’re thinking some other things too, like...

  • you know how much potential you have, and with some outside help you could really thrive and reach the next level.

  • you can feel that next level is there for you, but you need a bit of guidance.

  • you have so many ideas, and with support you know they’d help your business grow to new heights.

  • you’ve got this far, and you’re proud of what you’ve built, but you know there’s more in you...

Imagine how much more your online presence could be doing for you, with an injection of creative innovation.


  • Being known as an innovator in your field, the go-to person for what you offer.

  • Attracting absolute dream customers, clients and collaborators, by showing up as your full creative self.

  • Breaking through the invisible barriers that are stopping you reaching the next level in your business.

  • People around you noticing the incredible shift in your content, and asking what’s going on behind the scenes because there’s such a buzz around your brand.

  • Having absolute clarity and confidence in the bigger picture of your business, and being able to communicate that effortlessly to your audience.

  • Following through on your biggest goals and ideas, and feeling a fresh momentum and energy for your business.

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“I feel re-focused and my brain has been set alight with ideas and creativity.”

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This helps me get a sense of where you’re at with your business, and if I’m the right person to help!


In a free 20 minute discovery call we’ll have a zero pressure chat about the support you’re looking for.


I’ll suggest an action plan of what we can work on together, and you can choose your 1-1 package.


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(or 3 monthly payments of £500 + VAT)

In six 1-1 sessions at a pace that works for you, we’ll set and work through your top priority marketing goals, to give your brand a boost of creative energy and motivation.


🌞 6 x 60 minute sessions over Zoom (we’ll decide on the pace of these depending on what your project is)

🌞 Whatsapp support between sessions


You’d like continued 1-1 support and accountability to up level in your business.

You’ve got a couple of specific areas of your business you’d like to focus on.

You’ve done multiple courses and workshops and learnt a lot along the way, but you’re craving a more personalised approach to help you reach the next level.



Sometimes you just want to chat through a challenge you’re facing with someone who gets it, and can offer an outside eye with creative solutions for you. My one-off sessions are a way to get a quick burst of creativity and fresh ideas, and to answer a specific question you’ve been puzzling over in your business.


🌞 One 90min session, held on zoom.

🌞 1 topic/main area of focus.


You have one question/challenge that you’d like an expert opinion on, or to bounce ideas around for.

“Rachel's insight and creativity is invaluable. She's given me the tools and the confidence to grow my business and has cheered me along every step of the way. She's an inspiration, an INCREDIBLE person to have on your team, and an absolute delight to be around.”

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What can we work on together?

We can create a bespoke focus for you that fits your exact needs in business right now, but to give you some ideas, here are the kind of things I love to work on with clients:

  • Working on the big picture of your creative ideas and vision, so that you can bring another level of innovation to your brand.

  • Holding space for you, to help you move past any blocks that are keeping you stuck when it comes to marketing your business in the way you really want to.

  • Looking at where you’re spending your time online and why, and refining your approach to help you make the most of your work hours.

  • Refining and re-energising your online presence, so you can accelerate your attraction of opportunities, dream customers, exciting collaborations (and maybe things you don’t even have on your radar yet).

  • Building even more confidence in your visual and video content, so you can serve your community even better, with a content strategy that lights up your creative genius.

  • Specific and laser focused advice on your chosen platforms/goals (the areas I have most expertise in are: Creative Content Strategy, Video Content, Pinterest, Instagram, Blogging, Email Marketing, Podcasting and the overall Art Direction of your brand).

  • Being like a “Creative Director in your pocket”, to keep you accountable, motivated, and give you fresh ideas so you can reach your highest creative potential.

 “Every coaching session feels like a chat with a good pal - but I come away with a notebook full of clear steps to improve my business, that I would never have thought of myself. She has grown my business more in one year than I have in three and I honestly couldn't recommend her highly enough.”

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Ready to chat? Fill out the form below, and I’ll get back to you with details on booking your discovery call. Can’t wait!