Are you ready to let your offers step into the spotlight, with a luminous launch strategy that works for you?

Does this sound like you?

You have a service based business, or you sell digital products, online programs, etc. that you launch to your audience.

You often feel like your launches could have gone better, and you want to attract more ideal clients in a way that feels like YOU.

Launching sometimes gives you the ick, and you wish it could be easier and more profitable?

You want to launch in a way that feels more strategic, but also more fun, creative, and easy!

Your launches have reached a plateau, and you want to take them to the next level with an injection of creativity.

You’d love to have more successful launches, but you often feel overwhelmed and under-prepared.

If that sounds like you,

The Luminous Launch strategy framework will help you:

Set strategic launch goals that light you up, so you get clear on your visibility action plan.

Plan your next launch like a pro, so you won't feel like you're making it up as you go along.

Boost your visibility during both pre-launch and your sales period, so your momentum grows and you become a beacon to your ideal customers.

Infuse your launch with key sales messaging, that makes your content irresistible.

Inject more fun, ease and creativity into your launch process, while delivering a rinse and repeat strategy you can use for every launch in the future.

Luminous Launching

This group program will help you build your own Luminous Launch strategy, that you can use again and again to shine the spotlight on your offers. In 6 weeks of live trainings and 4 months of community support, you’ll come away with your own rinse and repeat strategy to follow every time you launch in the future (even if you’ve never launched before, or your previous launches have flopped).

Launching in a memorable way, doesn’t just get you sales, it also helps you become the go-to person in your industry. You'll discover how to show up so creatively and authentically, that people will LOVE to watch your launch from the sidelines.

“Rachel really helped me fall back in love with launching. After a few quieter launches and a dip in confidence, I needed some support and I recently had my most exciting and successful one yet! I have so much more clarity on my messaging and felt confident showing up for my community. Rachel always gives clear, actionable tips and advice and having her as a cheerleader has been a game changer for my business.”

— Alys Dinsmore - Online Pattern Making Course Creator

What you’ll learn…

We’ll follow my Luminous Launch framework, which covers:

💡 How to set launch goals that light you up, and get in the mindset for your best launch ever.

📝 How to plan your launch like a pro, so you never feel rushed and under-prepared again.

🧨 How to build momentum in your pre-launch phase, so buying from you feels like a no-brainer once your sales open up.

🌟 How and where to get visible during launch, so you’re a beacon to your ideal customers.

🧲 What key sales messages to hit to make your launch content irresistible.

🎨 How to launch with more joy, creativity and playfulness, without burning yourself out in the process.


Right now, maybe you’re here:

You’ve tried launching before, and felt like it could have gone better. You want to show up for your business more, but you often hide away in fear of bothering people too much with your content. You often ghost your launch halfway through, because it feels like it’s not going to plan.

Maybe you’re feeling a bit stuck / stagnant in your business growth, and you want to reach the next level you know you’re capable of. You know that part of that next level is on the other side of bigger and better launches.

You also feel a bit bored of watching other people launch in exactly the same way every time, and would love to show up more creatively, so you can stand out in a sea of same.


Once you’re launching luminously, you could be here:

You feel way more confident with a solid rinse and repeat strategy to implement in your next launch (and every launch after that). With my support, you’ve got your own Luminous Launch strategy and it’s already in motion for your next launch. Your socials are like a magnet to your dream customers. You’re ready to step into another level of visibility in your next launch, taking it to new levels of success.

You’ll be showing up so creatively and authentically, that people will LOVE to watch your launch from the sidelines.

Imagine feeling:

Empowered with a newfound confidence in your launch process, ready to tackle future launches with ease

Excited for the chance to express your creativity and attract new opportunities in your next launch

Secure in the knowledge that you’ll be attracting other opportunities through the visibility your business is getting

Equipped with a streamlined launch planning system, that you can rinse and repeat over and over

Confident that your launches add value to your audience - every one of your launches compound your future results

“Rachel truly is the queen of launches! I reached out for help with a launch strategy for some exciting new offerings and Rachel brought invaluable insights and creativity to the table. I especially love how she keeps the process fun and positive and makes everything feel possible”

— Vicki Knights - Brand Photographer and Visibility Coach

Luminous Launching

Pay in Full: £750 (inc VAT)

if you prefer to spread the cost, I also offer interest free monthly payment plans:

or FOUR PAYMENTS: £99.25 inc VAT
(payment plans taken as a monthly subscription)

Next Enrolling January 2025

 Is Luminous Launching for you?

It is for you if…

You’re a service provider, who runs launches as part of your business model.

You launch digital products, courses, services, online programs, in person workshops, events etc. OR you have a business made up of a hybrid of products and services.

You already work with clients / make regular sales in your business (whether that’s 1:1 or group offers), and you’re actively looking to grow.

You know that your launches could be more successful, if you had some outside help.

You often feel disorganised in the run up to a launch, or maybe you’ve not even tried launching properly yet, because the strategy overwhelms you.

You want to launch in a way that feels more fun, more full of ease. 

You’re looking for a group experience, so you can establish new friendships with like-minded and similarly experienced business owners who just GET it. This founding members round will likely be the most intimate group, so if you’re looking for even more support, this is the round for you.

It’s not for you if…

You’re a physical product seller only (unless you’re launching a campaign, like a kickstarter - feel free to message me if you have a specific situation and want to check!)

You don’t have a proven service or offering - meaning you have no idea if it would actually sell, even if it had thousands more eyes on it.

You’re a complete beginner or very early on in business.

You have no audience online at all. This launch strategy will be best implemented when you already have an online presence (even if it’s small! My first launch brought in £17k with 1500 instagram followers, and a brand new email list - because they were engaged with me).

You’re not willing to show up for your launch (whether that’s on socials, emails, or a platform that works for you). You don’t have to launch in a way that doesn’t feel like you, but this program will be supporting you in getting more comfortable with launch visibility.

Want in?


can be fun…

can be creative…

can be full of ease…

… and still be massively successful for your business

Coming Soon

Sign up to the waitlist here and be the first to know when Luminous Launching is ready to join:

When you sign up, you’ll also join my email list, which is great news for you if you love sales and launch chat!


  • A: Luminous Launching will be back in January 2025.

  • A: The curriculum is super bitesize and easy to digest, so you can watch it all within a few hours, and then get on with your actual launch! One of my intentions when creating this program is to SAVE you time in planning and executing your launch strategy. There will also be resources like planning templates, sales page guides, messaging documents to make everything about planning your launch easier and more streamlined.

  • A: At £750, how many of your offers would you need to sell to make a return on the investment? For a lot of service providers, that's often only a few extra sales (if not less). I'm confident that if you apply even just SOME of the strategies in this program, you'll be able to sell more of what you're offering, especially if it's already a proven offer that gets you some sales already.

    The launch strategy you'll learn in this program will also be a rinse and repeat strategy, so you can use it again and again for every launch you do in your business in the future!

  • A: This is for you, even if you've really struggled with launches in the past. If you find the strategy overwhelming, if you struggle to commit to the visibility, if you find it hard to create content that hits the right messaging that sells, all of this will be covered in the program. Even if you think you’re terrible at launching, even if your launches have flopped before, I have got you covered.

  • A: This is for you even if you’ve already had launches you’re happy with, we can help you streamline the process and make them even better, saving you time with a rinse and repeat strategy, and making your already great launches LUMINOUS.

  • A: I only started running ads and hiring team members this year, and before that I had over 7 five figure launches that I ran completely organically, with no team, and a very simple tech set up. The luminous launching strategy is about launching your way, with the resources and audience you have available.

  • How many courses have you taken where you’ve learned all the information and then you have to go away and implement it all by yourself? In Luminous Launching, you’ll be creating your launch plan + strategy in real time, with my support.

    I’ve also invested consistently in learning with a curriculum design expert, and I bring that understanding of how adults actually learn online in 2024, into the way I teach. It is all about action taking without the overwhelm. Plus, it's FUN, it's creative - that's what brings the Luminous into launching!

  • As treasured founding members, you will get access to the course hub and recorded curriculum for as long as I'm running this program in the future, which means you'll get any updated recordings too! So even if you don't finish watching everything during our live cohort time, you'll have access to all the learning materials and videos to refer back to later.

Meet Rachel!

That’s me! I’m a sales strategist, based in London, and launching is my THING. Over the past few years, I’ve attracted thousands of participants into my group programs, workshops and trainings, all through the power of a creative launch process.

It’s no exaggeration to say that learning how to launch successfully has changed my business forever. Launching in a memorable way doesn’t just get you sales, it also helps you become the go-to person in your industry - it can put your business on the map. My signature group program (Ignite Your Pinterest Strategy) had eight 5-figure launches, and through those launches I’ve also attracted speaking opportunities, editorial features, podcast interviews, and other exciting brand building experiences, all through the power of launch visibility.

In my work as a sales and launch, my mission is to help creatives stand out in a sea of same, and RADIATE in their content online - and the way I personally do that best, is in a launch. I can’t wait to help you to do that too!