The Mastermind

In a blend of group coaching and 1:1 strategy, in Radiate The Mastermind, we light up your business from the inside out. Work towards your next sales level with an intimate group of likeminded online service pros, with ongoing sales strategy and launch coaching and support.

Fancy a helping hand out of that income plateau you’re stuck in?

I totally get it. You’re proud of what you’ve built, but you know there’s more out there for you. It’s not like you’re stuck in the bog of eternal stench of no sales (nod of appreciation if you got that reference), but you’ve got bigger income goals on your vision board, and you need support to get you there. 

Inside Radiate, we’ll work towards your next sales level with a small, tight-knit group of like-minded service pros (basically your new biz besties), with ongoing sales strategy and launch support from me to get you there.

Let’s see if we’re on the same page:

You have so many ideas for growing your business, but you don’t know which to prioritise, so you just keep doing what you’re doing because it feels comfortable enough.

Sometimes, if you’re really honest, these ideas feel a bit stretchy, a bit scary. So again with the comfortableness, you just keep plodding away IN the business, instead of really going for it.

Even when things are going well, it sort of feels like you’re winging it a bit, you could definitely do with a bit more structure to your sales and launch plans.

If you’re thinking “ok, rude, yes that is me”, then the good news is that Radiate has got your name written all over it. 

When you Radiate it’s not about shouting louder—it’s about shining brighter and letting your dream clients come to you like moths to a flame.

The Mastermind is a magic blend of: 

Monthly 1:1 Sessions

where we develop your sales and launch strategy together, and work towards your next income goals.

Weekly Group Sessions

where we hold you accountable on your sales goals, support each other and stay in momentum.

Ongoing Community

inside a private Slack group, where you can get feedback, and ask questions when you need to.


Your sales plan is no longer a chaotic jumble of ideas—it’s a clear, strategic plan that you’re excited to follow, knowing exactly what to sell and when.
You’ve got a tight-knit group of biz besties cheering you on, keeping you accountable, like a personal board of directors, but way more fun.
Goodbye to the income plateau. You’re hitting new sales milestones and growing your business in ways that feel good.
You’re not working your socks off 24/7, but your business is still growing. You’ve created a flow that works for you, balancing sales, launches, and time to actually enjoy your success.
When things get tricky, you’re not alone. You’ve got people who actually get your business, helping you stay out of decision paralysis.

“I’m sooo glad I jumped into the Mastermind with Rachel, she’s given me a fresh lease of life for my business! It can be a lonely old place and having everyone’s support is game changing, it feels like I’m part of a team again but I still get to work on my own business.”

— Alys - Unpicked Studio

The Mastermind Features…


Monthly 1:1 Sessions

In our monthly 1-1 calls, we’ll dive into your personalised sales and launch strategy. Whether you need help planning your launches, or some refining work on your offer eco-system, these 1-1 sessions are like rocket fuel to take you to your next income goals.


Weekly Group Calls

Each week we’ll gather for a group session, and you’ll see the magic of accountability in action. We’ll alternate between group coaching sessions to hold you accountable on your goals, and themed action taking sessions to give you space and implementation time to actually work ON your sales strategy. If you feel like you dream big with your goals but lose momentum as the quarter rolls on, these group sessions will keep you on track.


The Radiate Community (on Slack)

Behind every successful business owner is a group of pals hyping them up, and that’s the vibe of our Radiate community. Growing a business can feel like a lonely place sometimes, but you’ll always have support on hand if you get stuck, have a question, or need advice or a pep talk between our sessions. The bonds formed in a small container like this are strong, and a small tight knit group of like minded founders is the perfect place to collaborate and build those friendships.


Feedback on Demand

Avoid the overthinking trap, and get an outside eye on your marketing materials when you need it. This is like having my creative brain on tap - save time endlessly tweaking sales pages, emails and visuals for your launch, and get personalised feedback from me within 24 hours on weekdays, so you can keep things MOVING with more ease.


January to April 2025

Pay in Full: £2k (inc VAT)

(or 4 monthly payments of £500 incl. VAT)

If you love the mastermind and want to continue past the four months, you’ll have first refusal on your space for the next container too.

 Is the mastermind for you?

Radiate is for you if…

You’re a service provider, who runs launches as part of your business model.

You have 1:1 clients, digital products, courses, services, online programs etc.

You already work with clients / make regular sales in your business, and you’re actively looking to grow to your next income level.

You know that your launches and sales could be more successful, if you had some outside help.

You want to sell in a way that feels more fun, more full of ease. 

You’re looking for a close knit group experience, so you can establish new friendships with like-minded and similarly experienced business owners who just GET it.

Radiate is not for you if…

You’re a physical product seller.

You don’t have a proven service or offering - meaning you have no idea if it would actually sell, even if it had more eyes on it.

You’re a beginner or very early on in business.

You’re not available on most Thursday mornings for the weekly group calls. While it’s fine to miss the odd one here and there, the group experience will be much more of a vibe if most people can make the calls live each week.

You’re looking for a curriculum heavy experience. This container is a hybrid of 1:1 consultancy and group coaching, so it’s more specific and targeted strategy advice, rather than a “course” to follow step by step.

Want in?

“Seeing my offers as a cohesive ecosystem during Radiate was a game-changer. It showed me exactly where the gaps were and how everything could work together to grow my business.

I started having more fun, and lo and behold, my business grew! I preach this to everyone else, but you helped me apply it to my own business.”



  • A: The next container of Radiate will start in January 2025, and we run until the end of April.

  • A: Radiate, The Mastermind, is an intimate group container, so spaces are filled by application/invite only. This is so I can make sure each member is the right fit, and will get the best experience possible.

    Once I get your application, if it’s an immediate yes, I’ll send over the payment details and onboarding info. If I need a bit more information, I’ll come back to you with any questions I have. And if I think you might be a better fit for one of my other programs/services right now, then I’ll come back to you with recommendations on those.

  • A: On Thursday mornings at 10am UK time. Because of the intimate group nature of the mastermind, it’s best if you can make most of these calls live if possible. If you need to skip the odd one here and there that’s fine, they will be recorded for your to catch up later.

  • A: The calls usually run between 90mins - 2 hours long, and we alternate between:

    Group coaching weeks: each member of the group will have space to bring whatever they need help with to the table. Think of it like hot-seat style coaching, where you can get advice and clarity from me and the rest of the group, so you can get unstuck and keep moving with momentum towards your goals.

    Themed Action Taking Calls: we’ll hold space for you to work on specific areas of your sales strategy, giving you the accountability to work ON your business each week. Think of these like part expert round table, part co-working vibes.

  • A: The 1:1 calls are a blend of coaching and consultancy, where I will give you laser focused help with any part of your sales and launch strategy. This can also include looking at your wider content strategy or offer eco-system, and will be completely personalised to you, so you can shorten the timeline between you and your goals.

    With all of your onboarding information, you’ll be sent my booking calendar to book in your monthly 1:1 calls with me.

    I usually hold 1:1 calls on Tuesdays and Thursdays (with some flexibility when needed).

  • A: When I say this is for ”established” business owners, you don’t have to have been in business for a certain amount of time. To me, you’re an established business owner if you already work with clients, you have proven offers that you’ve sold before, and you’re in the growing phase of business ownership.

    If you’ve read all of the above, and you’re keen to join, please don’t hesitate to apply! If I think you might be a better fit in the future, I’ll let you know.

Meet Rachel!

That’s me! I’m a sales and launch strategist based in South East London, and I love helping incredible online biz owners light up their offers from the inside out. From over a decade of business ownership in what can definitely be described as a wiggly old career journey, I’ve learned a thing or two about selling online. Over the past few years, I’ve welcomed thousands of participants into my offers through the power of a creative launch and sales process. From creating frankly excessive launch welcome charts (aka full paper installations in my London flat), to nerding out on sales psychology, I love it all, and I can’t wait to help you love it too.