Let’s Light Up Your Sales Strategy.

If you’re prone to shrinking away instead of showing up when it comes to selling your offers, then pal, we need to chat. 

I want you to have a sales system that’s so aligned with your business (and your sanity), it feels like turning on a light switch - not the big light though obvs, cosy lamps only, I’m not unhinged.

The Lights On Method:

My 1:1 sprints designed for growing online service pros, coaches and experts will take you through my Lights On Method for sales strategy. We’ll take a look at the big picture of your offers, discover where you might be leaving money on the table, and plot your sales and launch periods to match your income goals.


Starting every quarter knowing exactly what you’re selling and when, with a repeatable sales planning system you can rinse and repeat.
Your offers? So streamlined, chef’s kiss. They make so much more sense together, and you’ve filled in the gaps where you’ve been leaving money on the table.
Instead of winging it and staying stuck in decision paralysis, you have a concrete plan to take you up and over your next income goals.
You’ve finally grown your revenue out of that plateau, and low and behold it didn’t mean working more hours or resorting to icky sales tactics.
You’ve got big-picture clarity, on a sales plan for the next quarter and beyond, so you can step out of indecision and focus on getting that plan into ACTION and keep the lights on your offers 24/7.

“Working together made a big impact on how I prepare for future quarters. I’m no longer in that constant urgency mode, and it’s been a game-changer for my stress levels.”


How does it work then?

Let’s light up your sales

We’ll meet up for two intensive 1:1 sessions on Butter (like Zoom, but cuter), and we’ll get you a sales strategy that lights up your business from the inside out.




First we’ll zoom out and look at your offer eco-system, your capacity, and sales goals, and look for any gaps or tweaks that will help you grow to your next income goals without having to basically clone yourself.


We’ll take the gems from Session 1 and turn them into a shiny sales plan for the next quarter. We’ll follow my Lights On Method, which blends evergreen selling and live launching, (not forgetting all important downtime). Once you learn this process, you can rinse and repeat it every quarter, you’ll even have a snazzy template to help you.

Lights On Your Sales

1:1 Sprint - 2 Intensive Sessions

£1500 incl. VAT

(or 3 monthly payments of £500 incl. VAT)

You can make more money in your business, without having to sacrifice more of your time. Every growing online business needs a strategy that will keep the lights on their offers 24/7, let’s create yours together.

Hands up if this is you:

You’re booking clients and bringing in just enough, but when it comes to scaling you’re starting to feel like there’s only one of you (because, well, there is).

You look at your audience and think, “There’s more potential here, right?” You’ve been daydreaming about growing your revenue with group offers (maybe you’ve already got some), but the idea of launching them regularly rings burnout alarm bells.

Freedom and flexibility are the whole reason you started this business, but you’re stuck in a business model that leaves you tethered to your laptop more often than you’d like.

You’ve got this feeling that you’re leaving money on the table. You see your pals hitting big milestones, and you know you’ve got the potential to do the same… but you’re not sure how without stretching yourself too thin.

When it comes to your overall sales strategy, it’s throwing spaghetti at the wall vibes—there’s no big-picture plan, and sometimes you wonder if you’ve ever really had a “proper” launch strategy.

You’re committed to your business (100%!), but lately, your energy’s been a little off. You want to bring excitement and momentum back, but you’re feeling stuck in a rut. Overwhelm and procrastination are your uninvited sidekicks. You know what needs to get done, but overthinking leads to delays, rushed launches, or just plain avoidance.

“Seeing my offers all laid out as an ecosystem was something I hadn’t done before. It made me realize they weren’t leading into each other properly. That clarity was super valuable.”


Ready to turn the lights on your sales?

Once you sign up, you’ll get all the info you need to book in your sessions. If you have any questions in the meantime, pop me an email (or a dm on insta if you’re feeling casual). 

Every successful online business owner has an everyday sales plan that works, let’s refine yours and get your offers shining.

Meet Rachel!

That’s me! And I’m obsessed with you hitting your sales goals. From over a decade of business ownership in what can definitely be described as a wiggly old career journey, I’ve learned a thing or two about selling online. Over the past few years, I’ve welcomed thousands of participants into my offers through the power of a creative launch and sales process. 

As someone who trained in set design, started out in business as a wedding stylist, and then spent 5 years specialising in creative marketing: selling is genuinely where my creativity thrives the most. From creating frankly excessive launch welcome charts (aka full paper installations in my London flat), to nerding out on sales psychology, I love it all.