Are you ready to let your offers step into the spotlight, with a luminous launch strategy that works for you?

Luminous Launching helps growing online service business owners plan and execute a launch strategy that immerses their audience in their world, to achieve their first (or next) 5 figure launch.

Build a creative, repeatable launch strategy that totally immerses their audience in your world. You’ll build hype and turn up the spotlight on your offers, and turn your launch into a must-watch event people LOVE to buy from.

“I had a £24k launch, I also added over 800 to my email list in the 5 week list building period, growth really shot up, I have LOADS more opportunities to sell more now, and in the future. I really raised my profile and built up a lot of awareness around my brand and offers. I also have a waitlist from the launch build up for 1:1 clients - so it was even more than a £24k launch really, when I take into other sales opportunities that have come from it.”

— Nieve Taylor - FB + IG Ads Mentor


can be fun

can be creative

can be full of ease

and still be massively successful for your business

Meet Rachel!

That’s me! I’m a sales strategist, based in London, and launching is my THING. Over the past few years, I’ve attracted thousands of participants into my group programs, workshops and trainings, all through the power of a creative launch process.

It’s no exaggeration to say that learning how to launch successfully has changed my business forever. Launching in a memorable way doesn’t just get you sales, it also helps you become the go-to person in your industry - it can put your business on the map. My signature group program (Ignite Your Pinterest Strategy) had eight 5-figure launches, and through those launches I’ve also attracted speaking opportunities, editorial features, podcast interviews, and other exciting brand building experiences, all through the power of launch visibility.

In my work as a sales and launch, my mission is to help creatives stand out in a sea of same, and RADIATE in their content online - and the way I personally do that best, is in a launch. I can’t wait to help you to do that too!